• Christmas: 11 Simple Christmas Tree Decorating Ideas

      Christmas decorations are one of those elements, without which many of us cannot imagine the holidays. How to decorate your home for the holiday so that it welcomes guests with the soothing scent of the forest, the spicy scent of gingerbread and the gentle candlelight? 


      We do not need to buy Christmas tree decorations every year - we can easily create them ourselves. Let's use some of the items we have at home, change the interior with floral accents, or transform our jewelry and accessories into something completely new. 


      It doesn't take long to invite into this unique, warm and homely Christmas atmosphere with your own decorations for tables, doors or walls. Here are 11 simple Christmas tree toy ideas we'll make.


    • 1. Homemade Advent Calendar.

      The Advent Calendar may be one of the first Christmas decorations to appear in our four corners. A chain with little surprises hanging on the door will remind us every day that Christmas is just around the corner. This sweet countdown to Christmas will especially appeal to the smallest household members.


      We'll start preparing this simple Christmas decoration with paper pockets in which we will put our sweet surprises. You will need colored paper, glue, tape, and labels to mark the box numbers. We can also write them directly on the package. 


      Fold the paper into small envelopes and make holes in them through which we will thread the tape. Tying the knots, close the pockets with surprises. Our advent calendar can be hung on the wall or door. Let's pick our favorite Christmas colors for him!

    • 2. The idea of ​​Christmas candlesticks from jars.

      One of the most effective and simple New Year's decorations are lanterns - irreplaceable in creating an atmosphere of warmth and intimacy. How to decorate your home with them for Christmas? 

      To make them with our own hands, we can use glass containers or jars. We put spruce branches, cones and candles in them. The soft light emanating from them can also be further scattered by first filling the vessel with water. Our glass lanterns can be placed on a table on Christmas Eve or placed on a dresser, shelves or window sills.


      3. Original glass baubles.

      Glass not only softly reflects light, but also adds lightness to festive compositions. Lightweight glass boule pendants are perfect as a simple Christmas trinket decoration. On winter evenings, the small decorations placed in them will look like they are floating in the air.


      In hanging candlesticks we can put mistletoe, pine twigs, red beads or small toys or figurines.


    • Even a few pendants of different sizes are enough to create an original Christmas tree decoration . We don't even need to hang them up - they will work just as well as the centerpiece of a Christmas decoration on a table or dresser. 


      4. Simple Christmas decoration: mistletoe wicket.

      Apparently, the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe was brought to Europe by the Vikings. Twigs covered with leaves were for them a symbol of love. Today, mistletoe is one of the most Christmas plants that we often hang from the ceiling, lamp, or right above the door. We can use it to create a really unique and simple Christmas decoration for our four corners.

      In the living room, dining room or around the front door, you can hang green mistletoe wickets. Attach them to the door frame with floral wire or hang them on a jute string. Mistletoe comes in handy when we want to completely change the interior for the holidays. Its unique scent will spread throughout the apartment.

    • 5. Winter garland.

      The wall-climbing pine tree garland is another simple decoration we use to add natural accents to our Christmas home decor. Sometimes you don't need anything else - especially in interiors with wooden elements. Fragrant green needles combined with warm shades of wood on floors or furniture facades will help create a Christmas atmosphere, especially when we don't like too generous.


      To make this New Year's decoration, we just need a simple rope and a few branches of pine, spruce, fir, or other coniferous tree. Tie one end of each twig. When the garland is ready, you can hang it on the wall, around a door or mirror.


      6. Minimalistic headdress on the wall or door.

      If we're looking for an idea for simple Christmas decorations, then this winter wreath definitely belongs to them. The base of the reed can be made from a piece of wire or a metal ring to which we attach floral decorations. 

    • In this role, for example, pine or spruce needles, hawthorn, eucalyptus leaves, red holly fruits, dried orange slices, boxwood stems or cones. 

      We attach the accessories to the base with hot glue or tie them with thin wire. For a Christmas wreath, we can find a place on the wall in the bedroom or living room, decorate the door with it or place it on the Christmas table.


      7. Christmas inspiration for twigs in jars.

      With a small coniferous forest in the jar, we will bring small natural accents into the house, with which we will decorate shelves and bookcases, a chest of drawers or a coffee table. This is an extremely simple and versatile Christmas decoration for the home that can decorate our interior all year round. 


      Pour some earth into a small glass container or jar, and put a sprig of spruce (which can also be successfully replaced with a little water) into the prepared wool. Previously, we could give it a shape that resembles a small tree, and even decorate it with ribbons or beads.

    • 8. Simple pendant for the lamp.

      We can also create a lush green wreath from pine, spruce or fir branches to decorate a pendant lamp or chandelier. It is enough to carefully attach them with floral wire. If there are not enough green twigs for us, you can add long red ribbons to the Christmas decoration. An expressive accent hanging from the ceiling will instantly warm the interior and bring the soothing scent of pine needles throughout the room.


      9. Christmas house

      The most versatile accessories are those that can even become festive decorations if needed. A good example is the spatial form of Melvo , which can be transformed from a candlestick or pot into a nativity scene or a miniature gingerbread house.


      On a wooden stand, we can place small decorations and figurines or figurines cut out of thick paper: Christmas trees, animals or stars. A metal frame is a good place for pine twigs, ribbons, small trinkets or gingerbreads hanging from a string. 

    • Hoolier spice grinder, set of 2
    • Whether we're preparing a colorful hall decoration or a modest New Year's decoration for a  home office  , we don't have to have exhaustive ideas.


      10. Turn the gingerbread cookies into simple Christmas tree decorations.

      Complement our Christmas inspiration with home-made gingerbread, perfect as a simple decoration for a decoration or a Christmas tree. Sweets can be on a platter or in a tin can, but there is nothing to limit ourselves to during the holidays - let's decorate the whole house with them and let the interior envelop in a warming, spicy aroma. 


      We tie the gingerbread with a thread and hang it in different places: in the living room, hall or children's room. The smallest households should also be involved in baking. Figure carving and baking is really fun!

    • 11. Draw a Christmas decoration!

      If we want our Christmas arrangements to take on an even more personal touch, we can place a small Tizo board between the decorations and decorations . In the lobby, he will remind you of the last necessary purchases, decorate the interior with the works of our children, or greet guests with Christmas greetings. In the kitchen, chalk-drawn Santa Clauses, Christmas trees and stars can accompany recipes for the following dishes on Christmas Eve. 


      Of course, the plaque will come in handy not only at Christmas, but throughout the year. It is a smart item that allows you to remember the most important things or exchange messages between family members.


      Mark your way with our inspiration 

      We have prepared three Christmas films for you, in which we will show you how we make  beautiful paper angels, warming homemade compote and an Advent calendar with goodies. Get inspired and customize your own Christmas decoration. Just click on one of the videos below. Good luck!

    • Make an angel out of paper!

      Read our short tutorial on how to create beautiful paper angels.   Homemade decoration will complement the arrangement of a Christmas tree or home decor.

    • Advent calendar step by step

      Create your own advent calendar with goodies! See how easy it is! You can hang it on a door or wall to decorate your interior.

    • Delicious Christmas compote recipe

      Do you have a Christmas compote at home, for example, from prunes? In this video, we'll show you step by step how to create a fruity drink full of goodness. Get inspired and prepare your own version of warming homemade compote.

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